Friday, 4 March 2011

'But sometimes it hurts instead...'

Well hello there, long time no speak. I haven’t blogged in four months now due to lack of inspiration, a tonne of uni work and simply because I wasn’t enjoying it as much anymore. But after having a break, I do believe the bug to blog has kindly returned.

Now a lot has happened in the four months I’ve been absent, some good, some bad, some hideously ugly but I’m ready for a fresh start now. And this means a new header (as you can see, with thanks to Sarah), a revamp of my blog style (bear with me on this one, it will be trial and error as to what works best), and possibly a new hair style in the pipeline!

So aside from having an emotional few months, what have I been up to whilst I’ve been on blog vacation?

*I turned 21!!
*I moved house
*I took on my first paid writing position
*I designed my own magazine (still in progress)
*I was published in print for the first time...eeek!!
*I threw my first New Year’s Eve party
*I branched out on my make-up products and have now become somewhat of a Benefit freak
*I had my first spa day experience
*I saw The Saturdays!!
*I started running

So you see I have been a busy bee but I will really try hard to schedule in a few precious hours a week to blog and update you all. I’m not going to stick to a rigid posting schedule like I did previously and will simply write what I feel, when I feel like it. Writing is a great way to express yourself when you can’t say what you really want to, so blogging will be a vent for me as it is for many others.

I’m really excited about starting up WrittenandPosted again and hearing from you all!!

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